Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lady Gaga and Republican.. secret besties?

CNN is currently running a story that says that the G.O.P. big wigs were shown a parody of Lady Gaga's massive hit "Just Dance". This parody is titled "Just Tax". The video, created by recent college graduate and show to Republican's in order to highlight its abilities to use technology and new media. I find just a few things wrong with this..

First, song parody isn't using technology or new media in any way shape or form. I'm a child of the 80's and remember the brilliance that is Wierd Al's "I'm Fat" and "Like a Surgeon". Using today's pop cultural equivalents to make parodies isn't using new media or technology... FAIL

Second, Lady Gaga gonna rip you apart!

Third, G.O.P. your outdated message of high taxes isn't going to resonate with the youth of America and the aging class that message will resonate with don't have a clue who Lady Gaga is, just like many of you.

Fourth, this just reminds me of the funniest part of the national party conventions of watching the middle aged and old white people dancing in suits to music that are shown during any break in the staged show. Can't you just imagine seeing McCain, McConnel,Hatch, Boehner etc... suit, ties, and loafers.. HAHA

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